Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Close Ranks! March!

Though it is outside of the general purview of The Savannah Dramaturgy, in that it does not deal directly with our theatrical community, we would like to take a moment to point something out to our readership.

Though I am fairly certain the the bulk of our local readership are also regular followers of the Connect: Savannah, we would like to point out this article by their A&E Editor Bill DeYoung.

The musicians and clubs of Savannah are closing ranks around Ms. Lori Stuart of Rhythm Riot in her time of need. We here at The Savannah Dramaturgy are issuing a call to all available thespians to go help! Though, at times, musicians and thespians can travel in very different circles... we are still all artists who have chosen to try and ply our trade in this beautiful jewel of the Coastal Empire. Since we can help each other, let us do so.

Thus, let us issue the call that the thespians of Savannah shall go forth and be patrons in support of Ms. Lori Stuart and the musicians who support her. For those who submit that we should look to our own, let us remind you that there is crossover! Mr. DeYoung himself is a fairly accomplished actor, taking turns as Atticus Finch in the Bureau of Cultural Affairs' production of To Kill a Mockingbird, a Juror in Twelve Angry Men, and his upcoming production of The Odd Couple. Support our fellow artists.

On top of it all, we're not asking folks to get root canals. Music is food for the soul, and Savannah has plenty of accomplished musicians. So go enjoy some music and support an excellent cause. We will be attending Mr. DeYoung's performance with Lauren Lapointe at The Sentient Bean. Information can be found here.

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