Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tell Your Story

While idly watching Youtube videos, combing through the brain-rot and kitten videos, I came across this little gem from Harlan County Kentucky.

Once again, to refer back to another video on The Savannah Dramaturgy, never underestimate the power of schmucks (meaning dreamers, for those who did not catch the Clurman video).

These people, faced with potentially crippling social problems like drug addiction, didn't throw up their hands. They turned to a force as old as humanity itself, the arts.

For those who view the theatre, or other arts for that matter, as a "frill" or "unnecessary," this may seem an isolated incident. But the artistic impulse, to do something for aesthetic value, or simply to tell a story, is the first thing that began to draw humans together into communities, real communities, aside from the survival instinct.

Community, based in the idea to commune or share. What are you sharing?

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