Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dearth of Material? We're in Savannah!

With the sudden explosion of dramatic activity and thought taking place here in Savannah, there comes the next logical question: How do we keep it up? The next issue at the heart of the Beautiful Process is also the idea of keeping it up, of sustainability. In the blaze of glory that is the opening of a new company, it is all to tempting to run with all of our dream projects and leave nothing for another day.

Such was what I had rattling around in my head when I stumbled upon this link from MIT. MITs City as Stage, City As Process. And, I thought, how fitting. If we should run out of plays or projects to perform, there is always the option of drawing upon the city itself.

We are fortunate to live in a city as unique and beautiful as this one. Indeed, this is probably one of the primary reasons many of us have decided to remain here as opposed to wandering off to a city with a larger and more lucrative market. Given our particular affection, why should we not express that love while at the same time practicing our art in a way that is mutually beneficial?

Thus, while it can be tempting to remain in our venues, we should endeavour to utilize this whole city as our canvas, our stage. Let us perform our shows, and let us perform Savannah. There are innumerable stories, from those with pathos and grandiose passion to the whimsical and eccentric (just read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil if you're wondering). Let us draw on this source for materials upon whihc to build our theatre. Let us use them as knots to bind ourselves tightly to this community we hold so dear.

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