Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Some More of the Business Model

Recently, I was cruising the blogosphere, and found the following ideas regarding our business model from Chris Ashworth. Aside from churches, it is a simple PRESENCE in the community at large that might be something we consider.

1 comment:

Al Gonzalez III said...

I have been TRYING to get my friends in charge of theaters in Savannah to let me do this kind of stuff for them since I was done with SCAD. People always think it's neat, but never act on it.
It almost seems as though people who run theaters in this town are content with scraping by and putting no effort in marketing their company beyond each individual show. If theaters are going to become viable, this needs to STOP. Theaters SHOULD be looking at large multi-billion dollar companies for examples, not other theaters. Nike, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, MGM, Paramount. Brand building, people. It's marketing 101. Figure out your market and build a BRAND, not just a show.